Books by Paris

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Modern Dealership

Modern Dealership boldly reimagines a new and modern store that can survive the digital disruption and the coming recession and withstand the test of time. It’s about building a system, a procedure, and a solid foundation instead of relying on individual talents, luck, or brute force.

For Self-Diagnosed Borderline Sociopaths

Coming soon!

Learning to Sell: How to Sell Cars In 21 Days

Want to make it in car sales? Then this is what you should do in your first 21 days. Learning to Sell is a 21-day training system developed and used in my last store. It works. Otherwise, I wouldn’t use it.

How to Sell More Cars: A practical guide to success in sales

Does your sales pitch need work? Is your closing ratio below the store average? Knowing how to sell cars isn’t enough. It’s time to sell more. This book is your practical guide to sales proficiency and excellence.

The Rockstar: A step-by-step guide on achieving a stardom in car sales

Want to be the star salesperson who can sell any car? This is a book you need to read if you’re number 2 or 3 or anything other than the top salesperson in your store.

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